Tuesday, November 08, 2005


After having started two previous blogs, thematci ones, i found that my life is too dynamic to be tied down to one particular theme. So in an attempt to provide an outlet to vent my thoughts adn frustrations, which are unable to be categorised into my previous blog, this one shall be the one which contains all my random ramblings.

The thing about blogs is that.... they are like online diaries. Diaries which would otherwise contain your deepest, darkest secrets, where you vent all your frustrations and fears. Diaries are oxymoronic in the sense that you need to pen down your thoughts, to share them with someone but you don't want to share them with anyone for fear that they may know the inner workings of your mind.

Then comes the blog... the online blog allows users anonymity when penning down their thoughts but at the same time it allows them to share their thoughts with a larger audience, allowing them to get feedback from their readers. So, psychologically speaking, they get a form of moral support from complete strangers reading about their deepest, darkest secrets whom don't even know who they are....

Tis a strange world we live in nowadays.

So much like everyone else who is blogging.... i have decided to blog as well. Realising that i too have a lot to share with everyone else. Preferably those who don't know me... because i am very secretive and to me, secrets are power.... power over those who don't know you well enough... being predictable is a disadvantage.. because your enemies can predict your every move... however if one is unpredictable, or even better, fake predictability.... your enemies would both fear and respect you...

It sounds dark but thats how my mind works. So here is my confession, here is my story, here are my secrets... to those whom wish to read. But my identity... perhaps if one has enough time on their hands, one could hack into blogspot to discover who i am.... but really, i'm hardly important enough...



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